• Question: why is liquid nitrogen amazing

    Asked by morganhill to Emma on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Firstly it’s a liquid but less than -196°C which is really really cold (colder than the Arctic) so you don’t want to put your hands in it otherwise you’ll get burnt! Yes things which are very cold similar to things which are very hot are also able to burn you.

      Scientifically it’s useful for freezing things very quickly, this can be as quick as a few seconds so that big ice crystals don’t form in your samples which is what would happen if we just put the samples straight into the freezer.

      Check out this video because it shows what happens when liquid nitrogen and boiling water mix and this really does look fantastic and will make you want to play around with it, sadly I’ve never got to do this though.

      Plus liquid nitrogen can be used to make ice cream and anything that can make something so delicious has got to be amazing.
