• Question: why do humans have hair?

    Asked by forensicsciencehart to Emma on 19 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 19 Jun 2011:

      We have hair for several different reasons. Believe it or not but your hair is able to keep you warm, even if you don’t have much of it. Since humans loose a lot of heat from their heads then having hair on your head can help insulate it and retain some of that heat. Also when you get cold you’ll notice that your hairs stand on end. This way they can help trap a layer of air near the skin that can keep you slightly warmer but compared to other furry animals (like polar bears) our hair does little in the way of helping to keep us warm.

      Hair can also help protect parts of our bodies, for example eye brows and eye lashes are there to try and stop dirt and dust from getting into our eyes.

      Hairs also help enhance our sensitivity to touch as they are connected to nerves (hence why waxing hurts so much) and can detect light touches or movements of air.
