• Question: is smooth muscle function tissue?

    Asked by beauclayton to Mona, Michael, Emma on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Michael Taggart

      Michael Taggart answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Smooth muscle is a type of muscle cell – you will find it in any hollow organ in the body. That is, any organ that has to squeeze its’ contents like an artery, your stomach, your bladder, a ladies womb etc.. It’s function is to contract or relax so that it can help squeeze those contents of the tube. of course, once cell cannot do this alone, it takes thousands upon thousands of cells in each tube. So, the function of smooth mucle cells does happen in a tissue. (it won’t be the only type of cell in those tissues/tubes but it will be the one that does to contracting and relaxing).
