• Question: is everyday a day to remember ?

    Asked by emilybrockwell to Emma, Jen, Joseph, Michael, Mona on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Michael Taggart

      Michael Taggart answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      It should be and I do try to live by a “you learn something new every day” kind of motto. Of course, ordinary life gets in the way of your thinking sometimes – everyone has to trudge through certain days or times, but every day should in some way make an impact on you. My wooly answer probably tells you that was a really difficult question, well done!

    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      In short yes. Everyday normally throws up something new and it is good to treasure the all days that we get on earth. Sure there are some days that you’d probably rather forget or those which are just plain dull but in a way remembering these makes the good days seem even better.

    • Photo: Jen Gupta

      Jen Gupta answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      What an interesting question! Yes I think so. Although everyone has days that they would probably like to forget, it’s actually often those days that help you to develop as a person! I think I learn from my mistakes a lot better than I learn from my successes.
