• Question: How many hours do you work each day?

    Asked by maryamkapila to Emma, Jen, Joseph, Michael, Mona on 15 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by kanedale, meganpower.
    • Photo: Michael Taggart

      Michael Taggart answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      10 probably and some more at the weekends.

    • Photo: Mona Gharaie

      Mona Gharaie answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I work 12 hours per day and try to rest at the weekends.

    • Photo: Jen Gupta

      Jen Gupta answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I normally spend 9-10 hours in my office on week days. However some of this time is spend doing things like making podcasts and organising events at museums and things like that so it’s not all work-work but it’s all important!

    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      This can vary quite a bit depending on what work needs to be done but it’s normally around 10-12 hours each day during the week and maybe some at the weekends but I try to avoid working then.
