• Question: how important is your job?

    Asked by beauclayton to Michael, Emma on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Michael Taggart

      Michael Taggart answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Very important. It kind of consumes you and you end up thinking about it all the time. Of course, this can get too much so you have to try and remember there are other useful things to do in life. But I think most scientists do their job because they are curious and they think that searching for new discoveries, or teaching others about science, is a useful contribution to society and so will always think their job is important.

    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      I would love to say that it’s really really important but in the grand scheme of the world it is probably quite unimportant. As a student I have very few responsibilities (yay) and so if I were to leave my job right now and no one replaced me then it probably wouldn’t make that much of a difference. However my work could potentially help discover better ways to grow food or varieties of crops with higher yields and in that case it would be quite important.
