• Question: How did you revise for some of your upcoming exams in science - when you were in school ?

    Asked by becci to Emma, Jen, Joseph, Michael, Mona on 16 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by deedee, lalakhadz.
    • Photo: Michael Taggart

      Michael Taggart answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      that’s a toughy. I was best at maths and chemistry at school so remembering formulae and lots of equations was the order of the day. I tried to get as good an understanding of the reasons behind a process (e.g. a chain of chemical reactions) before remembering the formula/equations to do with it so if the exam question was asked in a slightly strange way then I might be able to work around it to get the right answer. However, this strategy didn’t much help me in physics as I struggled to understand those basics 🙁

    • Photo: Jen Gupta

      Jen Gupta answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      In school I would take over my parents’ massive dining room table and spread out all my revision stuff (and basically make a mess). I would always buy a few new CDs because I could only revise listening to music but if I knew the songs then I would start singing along and get distracted! For one set of exams I tried recording myself reading out useful stuff and playing it back while I was sleeping but I don’t think it ever worked!

      At university I would write down useful equations on pieces of paper that I stuck around my room. I also would make a summary sheet for each course and it was only allowed to be one side of A4 paper. This meant that I have to really try to figure out what the fundamental parts of each course were.

    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      I made revision notes and flash cards using coloured pens and highlighters – not sure if this was actually that much help but it at least made me feel as though I was doing something and my room looked great with coloured notes stuck to the walls. The best way that I found to revise was by going through past exam papers and getting other people to ask me questions. When things got really stressful and no more information would fit in our brains my friend and I even tried dramatising some of the chemical reactions – photosynthesis the musical is a west end hit just waiting to happen!
