• Question: At what age did you become a scientist?

    Asked by rebeccaayres00001 to Emma, Jen, Joseph, Michael, Mona on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Michael Taggart

      Michael Taggart answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      well, I guess when I was at school and 13 or 14 I started to become really interested in chemistry and maths and so really then began to ask questions that led me towards a sciency way of thinking. Once I was at uni and got a degree in physiology (21) then I suppose I thought of myself as a scientist. And once I had completed a research project for another degree of PhD (25) I guess I considered myself as a qualified research scientist.

    • Photo: Jen Gupta

      Jen Gupta answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      This is a difficult one, I’m not really sure at what point I started thinking of myself as a scientist! I guess once I got my first degree in Physics with Astrophysics so when I was 21. Doing a PhD is sort of like training to become a research scientist so there are probably people in the world who still wouldn’t think of me as a proper scientist yet! Good question šŸ˜€

    • Photo: Emma Bennett

      Emma Bennett answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hum, this depends, I suppose that studying biology at university made me into a scientist and I went there straight from college when I was 18. But seeing as Iā€™m still a student and havenā€™t ever had a ā€œproper jobā€ then maybe this means Iā€™m not a real scientist yet??
